Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Farewell to the Red Rock Guardians

Earth Guardian, Squaw Trail

Kanab, Utah has been my home for the past year or so and while I have met some interesting people, it is the Earth Guardians who have made the most impact on me during my time here. The Guardian in the picture above literally called to me and wanted me to take his picture. When we first connected, I felt the Stoicism of his vigil and perhaps a certain resignation as to how things were. In comparison, just around the corner and to the left, there were three who are stationed facing out toward the town. They seemed to be quite unhappy or angry last year.

Since then, I have done several full moon and new moon meditations in the area and the energies have changed so much. The energy of the three who were so unhappy has shifted so much that their appearance is even changed. The Squaw Trail Guardian feels much more peaceful and last Sunday when I went to Squaw Trail to do the last full moon meditation, I became aware of the energies of many more Earth Elementals in the area. It's as if they are waking up or maybe it's me waking up or perhaps both. In any case, the connectedness with these beings was more profound than I have previously felt. So it only seemed natural to create a light language tribute honoring the co-creation we have done during my time here.

Spirit is now calling me to my next of service which is in Virginia in a town about a half an hour south of Richmond. My son and his wife and baby, my granddaughter, Jenna, are there and it is time for me to be closer and to be present as needed. So, even though my body really likes the low humidity and mild weather here, I'm moving on and trusting I'll acclimate to high temperatures and much higher humidity. I'll take my time driving across the country and affirm adjusting as I go along.

So, I'm off to new experiences and I'm sure I'll find some interesting places to get another whole range of pictures. I'm creating the intention to get some really neat ones as I and Miss Kitty travel across the country next week.

Miss Kitty all packed and ready to go!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Coronal Holes and Faces in the Sun

Credit: SDO/AIA June 5,2010

Those who pay attention to what's happening beyond planet Earth have probably seen pictures of the coronal hole which has formed on the sun. When looking at the June 5 picture of the coronal hole, I saw more than the indicated coronal hole on the spaceweather.com website. Here are a few of the other images which are within the bigger picture.

This one is kind of fun. It almost looks like he's laughing. You can even see his front teeth.

This one's not quite decided. There's a closed eye on the left of the picture and an open one on the right. And the nose. Well, don't know what to say about the nose. Looks like a bad accident! Or, maybe it's just out of phase?

Can you see the profiles which form the hole?

Today's picture of the Coronal Hole
Credit: SDO/AIA June8, 2010

June 8 face.
Can you see the large eyes, one dark on the left and one light on the right side of the picture? The nose is right below with the lips outlined in light just below the nose. And how about that big bright ear? It also looks like there might be a smaller profile in the lower right of the picture.

Who said the sun doesn't have a personality?
Have fun with the images. You might want to meditate on what meaning they may have for you.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Kanab UFOs or ???

The evening of April 30th, I was walking home from a movie when I noticed a rather bright object with an aura around it. It was not too far above the eastern horizon. Unfortunately, I didn't have a camera with me and by the time I got home and got out the camera, the object was no longer as photogenic. However, there were three other less bright objects in the southeastern sky, so I decided to see what I could capture.

I took out my HP camera which takes pictures and short video clips and created a short 30 second or so video and then decided to see what I could capture with my binoculars which have a built in picture and video camera. That's when things got interesting. Not when I took the clips. Everything looked normal through the binoculars, but what it recorded is anything but normal.

The picture above is a still clip from the binocular video. Now what I was taking a picture of was this.

So, for your exploration, here is the You Tube video I created of the two clips and my thoughts about this manifestation. Enjoy, Ariana

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Stuck in Time or Present in the Now

It took a while for me to figure out the message of the clock stopping for the third time in 9 months. Usually a clock like this one will run on its' little double AA battery for a year or two. Not this one. Not since I moved from Mount Shasta to Kanab. Last night it stopped for the third time since I've moved.

It was sometime after 10 PM when I noticed it had stopped. I was going to replace the battery yet again, but for some reason I decided to wait until today. Well, after stopping completely, it started ticking again sometime after midnight. It ticked, but other than the second hand bopping back and forth one second between 11 and 12 or so seconds, the hands didn't move at all. It ticked all night. It was the same time this morning as it was last night when it stopped. As of this writing, it has finally stopped ticking and I will replace the battery.

However, in the meantime, I got to thinking there was a message about it stopping and ticking, but not advancing in time. As I thought about it, the message that came was, "stuck in time or present in the now." It seems to be a graphic reminder to make a choice. I can be stuck in the third dimensional paradigm or I or we can choose to be present and functional in this NOW.

Are you stuck in time or present in the now?

Friday, April 2, 2010

Admit You Are Different!

Jesus Gates to Heaven by Suryak

"Admit you are different." This is the message I received early this Good Friday morning. Before receiving the message, I had a dream where I was among a small group of people who entered some kind of chapel or holy space. On the floor was a full sized image of Jesus with his arms at his sides. His image was one of sleep or peacefulness. There was no 'crown of thorns' or signs of torture as are usually associated with Jesus on Good Friday.

My position was one of standing at the feet and observing as people entered from the left and walked from the side of his head,down around his feet and back up to the right side( from my perspective) of his head and then out of the room. Then the scene shifted slightly and I was standing at his head in the position that would be his left and next to the exit door. As I stood there, I did some energy work that seemed to be related to lifting or raising the vibration normally associated with the energy of Good Friday(death, torture, suffering, etc.) As I left the room, I woke up and in that in between place I heard the message"Admit you are different."

At first I was a little confused by this dream, as I don't remember ever consciously dreaming about Jesus. And, organized religion hasn't been a part of my path for over 40 years. My path is more spiritually based and for me Jesus is a person who gave us an example of who and what we might be in our physical expression. He is not the only example, but he is probably the most widely known one, at least from a Christian perspective.

So, the irony for me is that as I contemplated this dream and the message and what they seem to mean, I was reminded of a couple of 'signs' I had at a physical level back in 1987. Both signs occurred around the same time. I don't remember which one came first, but the signs are the stigmata and the fish symbol.

Stigmata by Barncharleston

The stigmata occurred for a period of 2 or 3 months. It was on my left hand. There was no bleeding and no pain, but the skin would peel almost like a blister and then new pink skin would appear, blister and peel again about once a week. Then it stopped. At the time, a friend said it was probably related to a past life when I was the same age and had been crucified. I do have a past life associated with the early Christians and I was crucified in that lifetime.

The second sign is the fish symbol associated with early Christians. This is on my lower left leg in the form of a varicose vein. When it first appeared in 1987, it was almost like a tattoo complete with an eye. Over the years, it's lost a little of its' definition, but is still pretty clear considering the years passed.

I can't say why this is important, but it was clear to me fairly early this morning that I was to do this post. So, here it is. I am different. But then, so are all of you reading this. Each of us has our own place in the scheme of things and I believe the point is to accept who we are and just be the best expression of ourselves that we can be without imposed fear-based limitations.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Dimensional Vision

I know there are beginning to be more and more people on the planet who have well developed inner/third eye vision/multidimensional awareness, but I suspect there are also many like myself who shut down as children for whatever reasons. In my family, it literally wasn't safe to see things that 'weren't there'. So, for me, it was a survival mechanism to shut down. However, now with the energies coming in activating our so-called junk DNA, things are beginning to reopen. This is probably happening to a lot of others, so it seemed like this would be a good time to share my perceptions.

The last few days there has been some discussion in my ET Come Home Yahoo group about the shifting dimensional realities. With each astronomical event like the Equinox, full and new moons and the new solar flare cycle, everything is accelerating and different stargates are opening to assist in the anchoring of energies and abilities not apparent or available to us before.

While my third dimensional life may not be moving along the way I think it should, there is definitely a lot of activity on the other levels. A couple of weeks ago, I had a dream where I was looking up at the sky and seeing the creation/fire codes in the clouds similar to what I get when I take pictures with the old 1.3 megapixel Kodak Easy Share camera. I woke up knowing that eventually I will be able to see these codes with my physical vision. I've had several dreams with themes about perceptions and dimensions.

My latest dream vision occurred early this morning when I awoke to hearing myself say to someone on the other levels, "I made heaven. Take a look." I don't remember any dreams before that and I didn't see anything, but obviously, I was busy somewhere doing something! Well, inquiring minds want to know what we are creating, so I went back to sleep creating an intention to see just what this heaven was that I made. Instead of that, I was given a vision of myself with my glasses on. First the lenses in the glasses cracked crosswise. Then, there were two vertical cracks on the bottom half and finally another vertical crack in the top half, making a total of 5 different parts/visions of reality. This is what the glasses looked like.
It seems pretty clear that I am making a choice to fully move into fifth dimensional perception and existence. Since that is a 'create as you go' reality, I guess I won't have a totally clear perception of the heaven I created, at least not right away. However, I do believe it is important to keep a clear intention and focus for what I do want and intend as my 'heaven on earth' reality.

I was also told this morning that the reason some of my third dimensional 'stuff' isn't working the way I think it should or according to so-called normal reality is because it would interfere with the manifestation of my multidimensional abilities. Well, that's a bummer from the third dimensional perspective, but understandable from the higher perspective. So now it would seem the task is to find a way to bridge the gap for a functional and reasonably comfortable way of being in the meantime as I graduate from the third dimension to the fully functional fifth dimension.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Wings of Protection

Northwest Sky Wing

Happy Saint Patty's Day!

In celebration of Saint Patrick's Day, the "Powers that Be" decided that the skies of Kanab,Utah needed to be changed from a vibrant clear blue to a distorted mass of chemtrail lines. I've been in Kanab since June, 2009 and today's spraying is the worst I remember seeing since moving here. Unfortunately, I didn't get a 'before' picture, so for a point of reference here is a picture I found on the internet which pretty well represents the state of the skies at 11AM this morning. I counted a minimum of 15 lines. It is likely there were probably 20 to 25 or more.

Photo by NorinRadd

When I noticed the trails on my way to the post office, I did my usual affirmation of, "Now and forever more, there is no space for your poisons here." I returned continuing the affirmation. About an hour or so later, I went out on another errand. On the way back, I noticed there were less chemtrails and in the southeast there was a huge wing formation filling a large section of the sky. That picture is at the top of this article. As I was taking the pictures, I looked around and discovered that directly opposite, in the northwest, there was another less distinct formation.

Southeast Sky Wing

Part of my planetary service is work with the Earth and sky elementals in conscious co-creation of a healthy, vibrant, safe and peaceful world for all beings-human, plant and animal. I had a very strong sense of the assistance of sky elementals in response to my prayer/affirmation. There were a few lingering trails later in the day, but not the all day pollution normally created by such an inundation of chemtrails.

So what's my point in sharing this experience? The purpose is to encourage you to each take your place, whatever that place is, in sharing your wisdom and love with the planet and all beings to assist to usher in the world we know is meant to be and that we all deserve to have. A world that is safe for all us. A world where our creative abilities are nurtured rather than denied or suppressed. A world where everyone has healthy food and a safe, comfortable home. A world where the children are nurtured and inspired to be their true selves. A world where our children are valued rather than ignored or tolerated.

What is your vision?
What do you desire?
What is important to you?
What action are you going to take?

Friday, January 29, 2010

We Will, We Will Rock You!

That's what I've been hearing since yesterday morning with no clue as to why. Then early this morning I awoke feeling tension in my body for no apparent reason. Fell back to sleep and woke a second time. This time, I was aware of having a conversation with someone on the other levels. I was told that I am an 'Earthquake Intuitive'. A few days ago, I was aware of profound changes coming, but sure didn't have any sense of them being related to being aware of upcoming earthquakes!

So, I asked what the purpose was to being an Earthquake Intuitive. For me, it relates to working with the Earth Elementals and Mother Gaia to assist to lessen the empact of the earth changes, but NOT to stop them. My sense was that there may be an earthquake soon in the area of southern California. This would be large enough to create some impact. I did not receive any clear information about the potential size of the quake or the exact location, only that it could have a significant impact.

I created the intention of connecting with the earth elementals and Mother Gaia to create a series of smaller quakes to help release some of the tension more gradually and thus to help the larger change to be less severe when it does occur. Of course, there's no way to tell how much impact this will really have, but I did feel a release of most of the tension in my body I when made this intention. I don't have a clear sense of when, except that it is soon and related to the current position of the moon which is at perigiee (closest to the earth and thus a stronger pull) on Saturday.

With this message, I'm reminded of a posting I read a while back that people will begin to be aware of abilities they didn't know they have. This sure strikes a chord for me, as I have never had any sense of being consciously aware of upcoming Earth changes, not even the Haiti earthquake. Also, I don't know if this awareness is a one time event, or the prelude to more events in the future. Only time will tell.

I'm sharing this for those of you called to working with the Earth as a reminder that you can add your intentions for the changes to shift more gently as long as they are in alignment with the Divine Plan and for the highest good of all concerned, including the Earth herself. Also, be open to your own unawakened gifts to be made apparent as you are ready to take your place as a conscious co-creator.

In the meantime, my internal theme songs are We Will, We Will Rock You! and There's a Whole Lot of Shaking Going On!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Light Language Music and Meditation Link

Dragon over Kanab

It's been a long time in the making, but I finally have a venue to enable me to share the light language and shamanic drumming meditations that I'm occasionally prompted by spirit to create. My most recent creation is Gaia's Promise. This is a vocal recording made at Squaw Trail, a hiking trail in Kanab, Utah.

The light language is related to the Inner Earth and may also be related to some ancient indigenous culture/s. Listen with your heart and be open to your own creation and manifestation abilities. I'm learning as I go along, so your feedback for encouragement and/or improvement is appreciated.

To check out my recordings Click Here