Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Wings of Protection

Northwest Sky Wing

Happy Saint Patty's Day!

In celebration of Saint Patrick's Day, the "Powers that Be" decided that the skies of Kanab,Utah needed to be changed from a vibrant clear blue to a distorted mass of chemtrail lines. I've been in Kanab since June, 2009 and today's spraying is the worst I remember seeing since moving here. Unfortunately, I didn't get a 'before' picture, so for a point of reference here is a picture I found on the internet which pretty well represents the state of the skies at 11AM this morning. I counted a minimum of 15 lines. It is likely there were probably 20 to 25 or more.

Photo by NorinRadd

When I noticed the trails on my way to the post office, I did my usual affirmation of, "Now and forever more, there is no space for your poisons here." I returned continuing the affirmation. About an hour or so later, I went out on another errand. On the way back, I noticed there were less chemtrails and in the southeast there was a huge wing formation filling a large section of the sky. That picture is at the top of this article. As I was taking the pictures, I looked around and discovered that directly opposite, in the northwest, there was another less distinct formation.

Southeast Sky Wing

Part of my planetary service is work with the Earth and sky elementals in conscious co-creation of a healthy, vibrant, safe and peaceful world for all beings-human, plant and animal. I had a very strong sense of the assistance of sky elementals in response to my prayer/affirmation. There were a few lingering trails later in the day, but not the all day pollution normally created by such an inundation of chemtrails.

So what's my point in sharing this experience? The purpose is to encourage you to each take your place, whatever that place is, in sharing your wisdom and love with the planet and all beings to assist to usher in the world we know is meant to be and that we all deserve to have. A world that is safe for all us. A world where our creative abilities are nurtured rather than denied or suppressed. A world where everyone has healthy food and a safe, comfortable home. A world where the children are nurtured and inspired to be their true selves. A world where our children are valued rather than ignored or tolerated.

What is your vision?
What do you desire?
What is important to you?
What action are you going to take?

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