Saturday, July 11, 2009

Interdimensional Photos of People, Orbs and Other Energies

One of the more fun things I've gotten to do recently is to take pictures of people at locations in and around Mount Shasta. There are certain locations that just seem to be more conducive to capturing these energies. Even though, I'm no longer living in Mount Shasta, I will be there for 999 Om Activation facilitated by Troika Saint Germain, September 7-10, 2009.

I am aware of at least 4 different types of orbs.

- The large ones of different colors seem to be archangels or ascended masters.
- The smaller ones that are somewhat transparent seem to be "watchers" from another dimension. They are especially attracted to people who are in state of joy. These are the ones you see most often in people's pictures.
- Others of about the same size, but more solid appearing seem to be from the Inner Earth.You don't see pictures of these so often.
- The 4th type which often appear in my pictures I call celestial orbs. They are rainbow colored and seem to carry codes of the higher frequency energies coming into the earth at this time.

You may be able to identify the types of some of these orbs in the pictures posted. The rainbow energies in some pictures seem to be reflective of the light coming in and carried by those whose lightbodies are activating at this time.

In addition to doing a presentation about my inter-dimensional pictures, I will also be offering my services as a personal photographer to provide an energetic momento of the participant's attendance at this event.

Here are a few samples of the energies captured with friends and colleagues. You can click on each image to see the orbs and other energies more clearly.

If you are planning to attend this event, it would be a pleasure and joy to capture these energies as a momento of your trip to the portal energies of Mount Shasta.

For more information about 999 Activation go to .

For questions or information about the pictures, contact us at . All pictures are copyrighted to Ariana Solana, 2009.

Multi-Dimensional Focus

A few days ago while in the dream state, I found myself in another dimension. There was a young man in front of me with some kind of device on his right eye. As I looked at it, it became larger. It was over the eye socket and tube shaped. As it grew larger, I became aware of the lens being faceted with many facets. The comparison I was given was that of a fly. Through this device he could look up, down, left, right or any number of other directions inbetween.

My sense is that as we become more consciously multi-dimensional in our everyday expression of ourselves, that we can look in any direction/dimension we choose. It also feels like, if we go from one facet to a neighboring facet, that we could go from one neighboring dimension/timeline to another. I also had the sense with the device enlarging as I looked at it, that we would begin with a narrower range of possibilities and as we become more adept, that range will increase to almost unlimited or perhaps truly unlimited possiblities.

The key here seems to be about conscious focus. If we don't keep a clear conscious focus, we could find ourselves hopping willy nilly from one timeline or dimension to another. There are times when it may be appropriate to visit, explore or do healing in another timeline or dimension. However, it also feels important to have a clear focus in the present moment in order to be fully consciously expressing ourselves in whatever current NOW we are inhabiting.

Has anyone else had any experience or perception of multi-dimensional awareness and how we may or may not experience it or express in it? I welcome your perceptions in this arena. If my perceptions are correct, my sense is that a relatively small percentage of the total population are evolving to this level at this time. If this is true, this post may not make much sense to those not quite at this place yet. Everything in its' own time.