Friday, April 2, 2010

Admit You Are Different!

Jesus Gates to Heaven by Suryak

"Admit you are different." This is the message I received early this Good Friday morning. Before receiving the message, I had a dream where I was among a small group of people who entered some kind of chapel or holy space. On the floor was a full sized image of Jesus with his arms at his sides. His image was one of sleep or peacefulness. There was no 'crown of thorns' or signs of torture as are usually associated with Jesus on Good Friday.

My position was one of standing at the feet and observing as people entered from the left and walked from the side of his head,down around his feet and back up to the right side( from my perspective) of his head and then out of the room. Then the scene shifted slightly and I was standing at his head in the position that would be his left and next to the exit door. As I stood there, I did some energy work that seemed to be related to lifting or raising the vibration normally associated with the energy of Good Friday(death, torture, suffering, etc.) As I left the room, I woke up and in that in between place I heard the message"Admit you are different."

At first I was a little confused by this dream, as I don't remember ever consciously dreaming about Jesus. And, organized religion hasn't been a part of my path for over 40 years. My path is more spiritually based and for me Jesus is a person who gave us an example of who and what we might be in our physical expression. He is not the only example, but he is probably the most widely known one, at least from a Christian perspective.

So, the irony for me is that as I contemplated this dream and the message and what they seem to mean, I was reminded of a couple of 'signs' I had at a physical level back in 1987. Both signs occurred around the same time. I don't remember which one came first, but the signs are the stigmata and the fish symbol.

Stigmata by Barncharleston

The stigmata occurred for a period of 2 or 3 months. It was on my left hand. There was no bleeding and no pain, but the skin would peel almost like a blister and then new pink skin would appear, blister and peel again about once a week. Then it stopped. At the time, a friend said it was probably related to a past life when I was the same age and had been crucified. I do have a past life associated with the early Christians and I was crucified in that lifetime.

The second sign is the fish symbol associated with early Christians. This is on my lower left leg in the form of a varicose vein. When it first appeared in 1987, it was almost like a tattoo complete with an eye. Over the years, it's lost a little of its' definition, but is still pretty clear considering the years passed.

I can't say why this is important, but it was clear to me fairly early this morning that I was to do this post. So, here it is. I am different. But then, so are all of you reading this. Each of us has our own place in the scheme of things and I believe the point is to accept who we are and just be the best expression of ourselves that we can be without imposed fear-based limitations.

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