I was in a house when I heard sounds like fireworks. Looking out the window, I thought they didn't look very pretty for fireworks. Then, I went into the kitchen and had some raw food to cook. The light switch didn't work. The electricity was off, so no cooking on the electric stove.
Then, very close behind me, a bomb exploded. It was so close, the air pressure was affected enough to ruffle the hair behind my left ear. I didn't know which was more scary-not knowing how things would play out or knowing there was an alternative and not knowing what it is. The good old monkey mind is having fun with this one!

I woke up from the dream about 3:45AM and stayed awake for a short while before falling back to sleep. I don't remember any conscious dreams, but when I woke again at 12:45PM I was told to create a Dome of Safety around, above and under (because of the gas, water and sewer lines) the house I live in. I was also told to create Mobile Safety Zones around myself and my van.
Remembering that thoughts are things, we create by conscious intention. For myself, I use a combination of focused intention with a breath technique that works for me. I encourage you to use whatever works for you including calling upon your favorite spiritual guide/s or teacher/s to assist you. The dome around your living space should include the energies of Light, Love, Compassion and Forgiveness. You should reinforce the grid at least once a day, every day until the energy feels more permanent. Then, you can reinforce it once a week or so. Depending upon your soul contracts, you may be able to intend a Dome of Safety around the homes of loved ones. Always check with them at the physical and/or Higher self levels to be sure this is ok.
The Mobile Safety Zone is just that. A safety bubble that travels with you and your vehicle.
Create one for yourself and separate ones for each of your vehicles so that they are protected when not in use. These safe zones are composed of pink gold light and again, extend over, under and around. These zones should also be re-enforced every day until very solid.
Please remember, each of us is creating our own individual and shared group reality. My group reality may be different from yours. Use your discernment and follow your own guidance as to what is true for you and what you need to do or not do according to your chosen reality.
For me, I came to this physical location because of the soul requests of my son and granddaughter for assistance. Answering that call, brought me to a physical location about 130 miles from Washington DC, 100 miles from Norfolk Naval Base and about 10 miles from the army's Fort Lee base as well as not being far from a nuclear power plant. So, given this physical reality, Safety Zones make sense for me. Your need, may or may not be similar. Do what is right for you from a place of Divine Love.