Monday, July 8, 2013

Timelines and Ascension

Timelines and Ascension

Even though my guides have shown me how to physically move from one timeline to another, the mechanics of timelines are still a mystery to me.  However, this morning, I was given a piece of the puzzle. 

I was told there are several different types of timelines which can interact with each other and be changed individually or at the global level.  The levels I was made aware of are:

Family Karma
Local Community

My sense is that the Personal and Family Karma Timelines are usually pretty closely related.  However, they also have their own specific dynamics.  The Personal Timeline seems to be mostly about the choices one makes for their own individual path with little or no reference to family influence.

Family Karma Timelines seem to be about choices made by family members that directly affect other family members and those choices become a family dynamic for everyone in that family group.  An extreme example might be where all the members of the family have a soul agreement to explore the issues of child abuse.  When a member of that group makes a choice to change their personal timeline out of the abuse, they shift their own personal timeline from continuing the experience to creating their own new timeline.  By this action, they also shift their relationship to the family and in that dynamic may create energy for other family members to create or shift to a different timeline where abuse is not part of the family dynamic.

The Local Community Timeline seems to be about our work and casual relationships in the community. Just as we have individual timelines, communities have their own individual energy that the people have agreed to be a part of.  The example I'm given of a community having different timelines is of Petersburg which is a neighbor city to where I live.  This city was fairly prosperous and thriving up until about 20 years or so ago when a major business left the community.  Now there is a section downtown with a lot of closed businesses and people panhandling on the main street.  That is the timeline as we perceive it at this time.  In another timeline, the business stayed and the area is still thriving.  In yet another timeline, the Old Town area isn't as developed as it is in the current timeline.

Global Timelines seem to be about parallel Earths.  For example, there are one or more Earths which do not move beyond third dimensional expression.  Or, there is an Earth that is already 5th dimensional in it's expression.  Or, an Earth that is peaceful and more agrarian than our current Earth.  There are probably any number of alternate Earths that a soul can choose to explore as part of its' life journey.  

My sense is that usually a soul would live out its' life on one Global Earth Timeline.  However, at the current time we are given an opportunity to shift/ascend from our current 3rd dimensional timeline to a 5th dimensional timeline.  Our choices for life expression in this higher dimension will determine which 5th dimensional reality we will experience.  This is why it is so important to be clear about how and what we want to manifest in this alternate reality.

I am interested to know what other information others have learned about timelines. 


Angel-Light Love said...

What comes to mind is that how you describe timelines makes sense, Ariana. Your words are food for thought. Thanks!

Angel-Light Love

Angel-Light Love said...

What comes to mind is that how you describe timelines makes sense, Ariana. Your words are food for thought. Thanks!

Angel-Light Love