Monday, April 17, 2017

Ascension Choices

 Ascension Rock, May 23, 2007
Mount Shasta, California
by Ariana Solana

A couple of days ago I had a dream where I was standing in front of a large structure, kind of like a barn or warehouse on the outside.  Inside, there was a very large room with only a few people in it.  It kind of reminded me of a ballroom floor, but I don't remember seeing anyone actually dancing.  My dream self was standing in front of the wall of the building.  There was no doorway, just the blank wall.  My dream self said or sang specific tones which caused a narrow split from the top to the bottom to occur. I grabbed each side of the opening with my hands and pulled it open big enough to walk through.  It wasn't too hard to open, but it didn't just roll open either.  

After I entered the room, I was told there are four choices - Advanced, Stay the same, Devolve, or Evolve at a slower pace to the upper 4th/lower 5th dimension,

Those on the devolve path have, for the time being, lost their connection to spirit due to choosing to experience chaos and/or the black arts.

Those staying the same, for now, are essentially 'normal' people just doing their best to maintain the status quo as they understand it.  They are not really awake yet to a larger reality.  They get up, go to work, watch tv or whatever distraction they favor, go to bed and do the same thing over again the next day and the next day, etc.

Those on the more gradual path to ascension are more awake and aware.  They are becoming more aware of the consciousness of all life - plant, animal, human, even rocks and crystals, including the planet itself.  They will gradually forge or develop conscious cooperative relationships with all beings including Mother Earth herself.  How time is experienced will still be mostly linear, but more flexible or fluid than third dimensional time.  This includes the ability to speed up or slow down how one experiences time depending upon what is needed at any given point of expression.

Relatively speaking, there are a small number (maybe the 144,000?) who are on the full Light Body Transformation Path which is evolution directly from the physical body to the 7th dimension and beyond.  This change, when it occurs, will be almost instantaneous.  We are no longer confined in the 3D time/space continuum. We can be anywhere, any when consciously creating, perhaps acting as angelic type guides or guardians to those still on the lower dimensional levels.  We will consciously be Being. 

As a part of the Void, we are in what my guides call "Creation Soup".  Here we are or can be anyone, anything, anywhere, any when.  

 The Void with Creation Codes coming down to Earth.
Ascension Rock, 2006, Mount Shasta, CA
Ariana Solana

There is no right or wrong here.  Each soul is just choosing to experience in the way that is right for it in this given moment.  The soul experiences a whole range of lifetimes in what may be labeled as positive or negative by physical human 3D standards.  The soul does not label.  It just experiences to develop an ever more broad understanding of itself. In human 3D terms we assign  linear designations for our point of reference.  The soul itself, is in a place of  No Time.  Everything just is. The experience is not long or short, near or far, etc., it just is.  As the soul 'organizes' those experiences, its' understanding of itself grows and matures. The energies of Easter and Passover provide a doorway or opening for soul evolution.

Thoughts are things.  Choose wisely.  So Be It, and So It Is.  

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