Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Dimensional Realities

Ariana Solana
October 24, 2004

Most people on the Planet Earth have some level of awareness of change in regard to life on the planet at this point in time. You may be concerned about global warming, or environmental abuses by man, or plants and animals becoming extinct. Or, on the deeper spiritual levels, you may be noticing how we are being confronted on the emotional front with unresolved ”stuff'” coming into our arena via conflicts with family and sometimes friends. These conflicts challenge us to ”walk our talk”. Change is occurring on many fronts and these changes challenge us to keep our balance as we keep redefining our understanding of reality.

In esoteric terms and understanding, we are literally undergoing a shift of our dimensional reality from the third dimensional focus of polarity-right/wrong, black/white, up/down- to the higher vibratory rates of the fifth and sixth dimensions which are heart-centered and free of polarized duality. We move beyond the fear of right versus wrong to the heart-centered knowing of our God Presence.

The changes required for us to make this dimensional shift have physical effects on our bodies and upon the body of the Earth and all life forms on the planet. We can see these physical effects in the changing weather patterns and most dramatically in the effects of the tsunami last December. The physical and emotional effects on our bodies are evident in disturbed sleep patterns, ringing or celestial sounds in the ears, unexplained joint aches, flu like symptoms and occasional emotional roller coasters feeling sad or angry without any apparent cause.

How do we verify what we are feeling and experiencing at this time? How do we know these changes are real?

One of the ways to do this is to be open to new levels of understanding. This is aided by having a clear intention to be in our hearts and to be open to and accepting of our heart's wisdom. In this wisdom and knowing, we are more able to accept new signs/omens of new ways of being. We ”know” with our heart rather than ”question” from our head.

With the change from third dimensional reality and with the higher digital technologies of the new cameras, some of us can capture physical verification of the changing dimensional energies. I am one of the people on the planet who has been gifted with the somewhat unique energy of a portal guardian. The portal I am energetically connected with is the Shambhala Portal. Because of this connection, my energy interacts with the electronics of the camera to allow pictures to come through and record at a physical level, the range of dimensions and the new codes coming in which are affecting all life forms on the planet-including human, plant, animal and mineral.

These pictures are a gift from Source or God/ Goddess and the Masters who are assisting humanity and the planet at this time of change. These pictures taken by myself and other photographers are bringing forth confirmation of change to us by the “anomalies” which are appearing in them. Many of you may have seen pictures with orbs and/or spirits taken by someone or perhaps even in your own pictures.

There a few (relatively speaking) of us who are being gifted with pictures which may seem to be even more extra-ordinary in that they reveal the dimensional realities of the sixth dimensional light matrix codes which are bringing in the changes in DNA for all life forms on this planet. You may think of this as a type of blueprint for building the body, whether it is human, animal, plant or crystalline in nature.

There is a beam of energy coming from Source to our sun. Our sun then “steps down” this energy before it comes to Earth and the other planets and moons in this system. The reality of this beam has been captured in a series of pictures I call The Blue Ray Series. This group of pictures begins with the Blue Ray Guardian which incorporates the Spirit of Peace within it. The Spirit of Peace is an Earth spirit who is assisting to ground and anchor these new energies on the planet in preparation for the Era of Peace. This picture was taken on October 27, 2004, the day before a total lunar eclipse. It is my understanding that the Blue Ray Beam was fully activated by the eclipse on the 28th of October, 2004.

In this series of pictures, one can see the new codes coming in as well as the old physical codes which are being changed. When the pictures are enlarged, you can see how different the new codes are compared to the old ones. The new ones look very much like binary computer codes, while the old ones look more like a printed circuit board.

When my first digital camera died, I discovered that with different cameras, I get different kinds of pictures and thus, the Heart Opening Series of pictures was born. Some of these pictures are truly amazing in a whole different way from the Blue Ray Series.

These pictures carry energies to assist one to open and heal his or her heart. This is necessary for us to move into the higher dimensional frequencies. We cannot be in these energies with a closed heart. In addition, these pictures assist one to open their inner vision or third eye to these dimensional realities. In these pictures, you will see the reality of 5th and 6th dimensional frequencies. You can see the codes which are similar almost to some of the beaded weavings of the Native Americans. You can even see the code blueprints for the trees and clouds. There are also tree spirits and the orbs of various beings assisting to anchor these energies on the planet.

Some of the pictures reflect the gold and green energies of healing and wisdom, the divine feminine and divine masculine, as they open the heart to the light of love. A few reflect the transformational energies of the violet ray. Each has its own message and energy to share.

These pictures are a gift to humanity to assist with the assimilation of the new energies coming in. The picture above is available in 8x10 or 11x14. E-Mail me at for more info.

I am Rainbow Walker, bridging the inner with the outer. To assist with the support of the creation of these messages, donations are received with gratitude and blessings of abundance to the Donar for his or her sharing. A portion of each donation is tithed to assist our human and animal friends in need.

Ariana Solana, Energy Practitioner & Multi-Dimensional Photographer

Crystal Matrix Resources Mail: P O Box 1363, Mt. Shasta, CA 96067

Woundedness as a Part of the Human Experience

by Ariana Solana
November 8, 2006

Just as the label “One size fits all” is not necessarily true, the generalities about woundedness are true to a lessor or greater extent depending upon one's experience.

As a part of my healing process, each night, I pray for assistance to transmute and heal my fears to the essence of Divine Love. Early this morning, I had one of those types of dreams which is quite vivid and difficult to ignore. In this dream, I seemed to be walking through a narrow passage. Ahead of me was a dog who had been wounded. He had scars in several places and some kind of heavy rivets implanted in his body. Then, a boy appeared who had some kind of device that would create a shock. He shocked the dog several times and then was gone. I expressed sympathy for the dog by saying “Oh, you poor thing.”

Then, the scene changed slightly. The dog was gone and now there was a man standing in front of me. He had the same wounds as the dog, including a long jagged scar down his chest to the area of where his genitals should have been. He was emasculated.

The setting changed again and now I had two boys with me. One to the right and one to my left. I told them they had seen something they should not have seen. The boy to my left wanted to go play games in an arcade off to the left, but I told him “No”, he could play later. At this point, I woke up.

While this dream is to assist me to heal my own inner masculine, it also occurs to me that the sharing of this dream may perhaps help someone else in the healing of their own inner masculine and/or inner feminine.

What did I learn from the dream? Actually quite a number of things, but the one that stands out most is how we pass on our own woundedness to those around us, especially in the family and friend settings. Consider that our relationships mirror back to us something about ourselves, both positive and negative. For the sake of this discussion, let's focus on what we call the negative we mirror to others and that others mirror back to us.

How often have you said or thought, “Oh, you poor thing,” That's so sad,” “They'll always take advantage of you,” “So and So has always been so vulnerable,” etc., etc. Each time we do this, we feed a perception to the other person of being in some kind of weakened or 'less than' state. If we stop and look at this perception we are feeling, we can identify the woundedness we are passing on to the other person.

Now, the other person doesn't have to accept our perception; but, in the human experience, he or she will often do so to varying degrees. This is especially true in our relationships as children or with children. This is where we see generations of certain kinds of behavior passed on from one generation to the next.

It's easy to look at the extremes, such as child and sexual abuse, but it seems to me we often overlook the more subtle verbal messages passed on. ”What will the neighbors think?” ”Don't wear that, it makes you look fat/thin/dowdy, like a tramp.” ”It's great you got a B. Next time you'll get an A.” ”I slaved/worked my butt off to do XYZ for you.” ”You're being ungrateful/rude.” You can fill in the blank as to the verbal messages you received and maybe even pass along sometimes to others.

Don't forget the visual cues you received. The ones where the words were right, but the expression didn't match the words said. ”That's ok. You'll do better next time.” ”Don't worry about it, we love you anyway.” etc.

It seems to me that even with the best of intentions, we can unintentionally pass along our woundedeness. For example, just recently, I heard someone describe another as, ”She's always been the one most affected by....” thus feeding the image of this person as being vulnerable or less able to take care of herself. This comment might not be so limiting if it had been followed by or prefaced by ”Up to this time,” or “However, I believe....” This can set an energy which assists to feed the positive/strengths of the other.

It's no longer appropriate to play this game. This was reflected in the dream where I told the boy, he couldn't play now. He had seen something he shouldn't have seen. A game which is no longer meant to be played.

For me, this dream was a graphic demonstration of how I have passed on my own woundedness to others and of how I let myself be wounded by accepting the 'identifiers” passed on to me by my parents, spouse, co-workers, friends. Please remember not all identifiers are limiting, but so often it seems the ones that are carry such an emotional impact that they seem to often override the impact of the more positive ones. And, there are those times when a comment is made in a positive mode, but may have a negative extension tied to it.

Now, it's not just about how we view ourselves, but how we view ourself affects how we interact with and view others - passing judgment on their abilities as strong or weak in various aspects of their lives. Human relationships have been and still are quite complicated in this regard. On one hand, we can praise how well a child played a game, swam in a race, danced in a contest and then, on the other hand, see the same child as not emotionally strong in another setting. So, we feed th child's physical prowess or mental prowess (”Congratulations on the A on your book report.”), but still perceive the child as emotionally vulnerable, thus creating an opportunity for wounding in the emotional body. An extreme example might be the person who is very successful in the business world in his or her career, but the person's personal life is a mess with estranged relationships and strained communication.

So, what can we do about this? Pay attention to how you view yourself and others. Pay attention to the words that come out of your mouth and their impact on that person or on yourself. Remember, what you are thinking of another is a reflection of something you believe about yourself. Examine that belief. Where in your life do you have this belief for yourself? How do your actions create an opportunity for others to feed back limiting beliefs about yourself? And, remember in this world, thoughts really are things. What you think of another can also have a potential effect on them, even if you don't say it out loud. Identify how you can begin to make new choices for yourself from a place of self love rather than self fear. When a limiting thought comes up, acknowledge to yourself, ”I used to believe that. I'm not playing that game anymore. I'm creating a new game where I respect myself,honor myself and in that respecting and honoring, I respect and honor those around me.”

The day after I had this dream, I was shown a vision. First, I was shown how the woundedness humanity carries pollutes the fear aspect of the emotional grid around the Earth and how that pollution affects the Earth like an infection. Although, the focus is on self healing of the individual, this healing has a positive effect on the Earth. We are individuals and we are of the One which includes all other beings including the Earth. It is time for us to remember our connectedness.

I am Rainbow Walker, bridging the inner with the outer. To assist with the support of the creation of these messages, donations are received with gratitude and blessings of abundance to the Donar for his or her sharing. A portion of each donation is tithed to assist our human and animal friends in need.

Ariana Solana, Energy Practitioner & Multi-Dimensional Photographer
Crystal Matrix Resources Mail: P O Box 1363, Mt. Shasta, CA 96067

Awakening - March 4, 2006

As the curtain lifts, I stand firmly on the stage of revelation with all relations in circular embrace and my outward vision is restored and my inward vision is restored to the divinity of my original innocence and stillpoint or quiessence.

I am the perfect expression of myself, free of distortions of the outer world. Free of the mask taken on to disguise my true self. It is safe to be the perfect expression of myself in this world.