Saturday, March 11, 2017

Good versus Evil

I can honestly say that I never expected to write about Good Versus Evil, yet here I am. 

It all started Wednesday, March 8, when I woke and was aware that the topic under discussion with my guides was a "Promise to Mankind."  I had no memory of a dream or of any of the actual discussion.

Thursday, March 9, started out mostly ordinary. There was an early morning dream where I told myself that I could write in a way that people would understand.  So, the message was clear that I would or should write, but no conscious memory of what i would be writing about.

In the early afternoon, I was tired and fell asleep for a short nap. I woke to the very clear message, "It is time to fight for your soul." " We are with you, but you must take the stand for these."  (This seemed to refer to the children.)  There was a dream, but it was more symbolic in its' representation than literal, so I don't have a full sense of how it fits, just that it does.  I was looking for something and needed to go to a store.  There seemed to be a couple of spiritual leaders in the background, but I don't remember actually seeing them. 

Late Thursday night, right after I used the bathroom, I suddenly became very dizzy when a wave of energy or something came at me or over me.  I had to hang onto the sink and the door frame to stay upright.  It took several deep breaths and repeating the intention of "balance", "balance", over and over again, before I became stable enough to get to my bed.  At the time, I didn't know what hit me.  Was it something medical or some outer cause.  I couldn't tell for sure.  It took several hours, over half a day or more, to finally begin to feel more my normal self.

Friday, the guides said, "There was a problem with the western segment."  I'm still not totally sure how this fits, but I believe it is related to the dizzy spell.  At this point, I was still questioning if this was an outer caused or medically caused issue.

Today, Saturday, March 11, I woke to the topic of "satanists."  There was no dream that I remember at that time.  However, with that topic in my consciousness, I was reminded of the message about fighting for my soul.  And that reminded me, of an earlier message I got on Tuesday, February 28, which was, "You mustn't forget."  This reminded me of the dizzy feeling on Thursday night and I knew it was caused by some kind of machine being turned on that is designed to disrupt the energy fields of those of who are more awake to ourselves. 

Identifying the cause reminded me of a time several years ago when I was living in Mount Shasta.  A friend and I had gone up the mountain to do some deep energy work.  Afterwards, we drove down the mountain and went to one of the  grocery stores.  I hadn't realized just how high my vibration had become from the energy work until we walked into the store.  It was that same feeling I had on Thursday night.  Going from a place of high vibration into one of a lower denser vibration. The shift wasn't quite as extreme as Thursday night, but it was briefly disorienting until I adjusted to the shift.

So, you may be wondering why I'm going into so much detail to get to the point that we need to be very vigilant now to keep our balance.  We really are at the time of choosing and those who want to retain control are pulling out all stops to try to drag everyone down with them.  If we don't pay attention, or keep letting ourselves be distracted by the outer drama, we can lose our way for the time being in our soul evolution. 

For people like myself, who have an active conscious  dream life, it  becomes even more important, as our guards may not be quite as vigilant as when we are awake and aware.  Those parts of our subconscious that are still healing and slowly coming into a more positive balance can sometimes more easily be influenced.  For myself, I choose to go to sleep focusing on my connection with the Light, and also affirming that I consciously choose for all aspects of my being, past, present and future to integrate and keep a positive focus.  And, when something seems to be out of balance, forgive myself and have compassion for that part of me that is still sometimes uncertain.

 I choose the Light today and every day.

I would like to add one additional note and that is that I believe these projected energy disrupters may also cause other physical symptoms besides dizziness.  For example, headaches and nausea come to mind.  If some physical issue seems to be happening out of the blue, it might be helpful to meditate on it to see if your body is being affected by these projected energies. 

When I lived in Mount Shasta, Amorah Quan Yin, used to do a monthly free channeling session.  She always began the session by intending the disabling of the black box energy disrupters planted in the area.  There were 2 types, one for the 'everyday' people, and another type for those of us active in the psychic community.  Mount Shasta is a favorite target because of the portal energy there and being the root chakra of the planet.  I believe that many urban areas are also favorite targets to keep people off balance.

Be vigilant.  Be strong.  Remember, our intentions/minds are the builder.  We can build a beautiful balanced world or we can default to victim mode in a world controlled by those who do not have our best interests at heart. 

I choose a beautiful loving, abundant, peaceful, etc. world as my reality and until it fully manifests, I choose to do whatever I can to maintain that in my personal space.