Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Farewell to the Red Rock Guardians

Earth Guardian, Squaw Trail

Kanab, Utah has been my home for the past year or so and while I have met some interesting people, it is the Earth Guardians who have made the most impact on me during my time here. The Guardian in the picture above literally called to me and wanted me to take his picture. When we first connected, I felt the Stoicism of his vigil and perhaps a certain resignation as to how things were. In comparison, just around the corner and to the left, there were three who are stationed facing out toward the town. They seemed to be quite unhappy or angry last year.

Since then, I have done several full moon and new moon meditations in the area and the energies have changed so much. The energy of the three who were so unhappy has shifted so much that their appearance is even changed. The Squaw Trail Guardian feels much more peaceful and last Sunday when I went to Squaw Trail to do the last full moon meditation, I became aware of the energies of many more Earth Elementals in the area. It's as if they are waking up or maybe it's me waking up or perhaps both. In any case, the connectedness with these beings was more profound than I have previously felt. So it only seemed natural to create a light language tribute honoring the co-creation we have done during my time here.

Spirit is now calling me to my next of service which is in Virginia in a town about a half an hour south of Richmond. My son and his wife and baby, my granddaughter, Jenna, are there and it is time for me to be closer and to be present as needed. So, even though my body really likes the low humidity and mild weather here, I'm moving on and trusting I'll acclimate to high temperatures and much higher humidity. I'll take my time driving across the country and affirm adjusting as I go along.

So, I'm off to new experiences and I'm sure I'll find some interesting places to get another whole range of pictures. I'm creating the intention to get some really neat ones as I and Miss Kitty travel across the country next week.

Miss Kitty all packed and ready to go!