Masters of Shambhala July 26, 2006
The Bermuda Triangle contains the planetary records and history of the interaction with certain off world groups, namely groups of Pleiadians, Sirians and Arcturians. The Arcturians were responsible for a great deal of the technical advancement of this civilization.
The Pleiadians were of a group that was more interested in control of the people than in guiding them. It was their influence which led to much of the spiritual and scientific distortion in the later years of the Atlantian society. It is good to keep in mind that there were at least two different groups of Pleiadians who came to this planet. Each with their own agenda in regard to the development and evolution of life here.
There is a very large crystal here which is a transporter crystal. When one knows how to work with it, one can travel directly to the other 11 areas associated with triangle energy. In later years this crystal also connected with the Great Pyramid and certain other areas. It took some recalibration or reprogramming for this later type of travel across the planet.
In addition to the large crystal, there is also a very large geode type formation nearby which has both clear and amethyst type points in it. In the past, this formation was mined for its points to be used as part of scientific experiments to create living crystal brains. The crystal points were literally implanted into a person's brain. It was thought that since crystals were receivers that this would enhance one's ability to receive information, insights, etc. It was also desired at that time to bypass the emotional part of receiving. In other words, to make one a more objective receiver. This type of implantation caused a break between the mental and emotional bodies of the person who was implanted in this way.
Healing has now been done to assist this formation to be restored to it's true purpose which is as a dimensional doorway to other realms. I was taken to this place for healing among beings who are fairy-like in their nature. They work not just with the flowers, herbs and other plants, but also with people to assist them to remember and reclaim their heritage as creator beings. They work in the energy field to fill energetic gaps and to remove blockages which stop the flow of the energy within one's being. This type of healing will assist one to have more focus and more energy to move forward on their path. As we awaken to more of our true essence, these beings will make themselves known to those who are ready to interact with them as conscious co-creators on the planet. They told me they were assisting me because I had assisted to heal the Large Crystal and also the geode 'cave' .
The crystals in the geode cave had been quite sad in regard to their misuse by the people. With the healing of these crystals, this area is now a sacred area and if it is restored to be physically accessible, it will be protected by energies which will prevent its misuse. Healing of this geode formation has also opened the door for healing to occur more easily for those people still affected by the crystal implants they received during their lifetimes in Atlantis.
For now, one may visit this geode 'cave' in meditation to receive healing and to become aware of the wisdom which is available for those who are ready.
Ariana Solana Copyright ©2006
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Mt. Shasta-Pink Crystal Mountain
Masters of Shambhala, July, 2004
Today we would speak of Mt. Shasta. Mt. Shasta is the ever birthing/evolving mother. She stays young by her birthing process. She is of the Pink Crystal Group as is evidenced by her showy displays of color in the evening hours. She has much love for this planet and grieves for those who do not understand the connectedness of all life.
She is the home portal, not just to those who birth through her in the physical, but also to those who live within. She bridges the inner and outer worlds and awaits the time when her children will be able to live with each other in harmony.
The souls who come through this portal are those drawn to teaching and healing. They come in service to the planet and her people. Their lives are often ones of initiation as they find their way to their path of service.
Just as with other mountains, there are many aspects/levels of service which this mountain provides. As well as being a birthing portal, she is also a portal where many service animals birth through such as guide dogs and monkeys. Also, many of those animals who sacrifice themselves in the research labs, come through this portal in service to humanity.
The key attributes, then, are service, healing and teaching. These are manifested in the form of those souls who provide energetic healing, and channeling of messages from the masters.
As a crystal fire mountain, many animals who are code carriers are also birthed through this mountain. Butterflies, dolphins, and whales come to mind. The water beings leave this portal to then birth through portals in the oceans. These are also underwater mountains in some cases, but may also be marked by a swirling vortex of energy and water which reaches into the Inner Earth as beings may be birthed through these portals for both the inner and outer aspects of Earth. The portals are the bridges to one day bring both aspects together.
We would have you know this is not so far away as it may seem. The stories, which to many are myths or interesting fairy tales, are not so far from becoming your new reality. As the vision expands and the capacity of the heart for love and compassion is finally manifested in its true form, much of what were thought of as illusions will finally take their place of recognition in the outer 'physical' world. The Age of True Co-operation and Co-creation is at hand.
There are those who have held the essence of the energy since time began on this planet. Yes, there have been distortions along the way, but the essence of truth has never been lost. As the veils thin, truth of reality begins to reveal itself.
Ariana Solana copyright ©2004
Today we would speak of Mt. Shasta. Mt. Shasta is the ever birthing/evolving mother. She stays young by her birthing process. She is of the Pink Crystal Group as is evidenced by her showy displays of color in the evening hours. She has much love for this planet and grieves for those who do not understand the connectedness of all life.
She is the home portal, not just to those who birth through her in the physical, but also to those who live within. She bridges the inner and outer worlds and awaits the time when her children will be able to live with each other in harmony.
The souls who come through this portal are those drawn to teaching and healing. They come in service to the planet and her people. Their lives are often ones of initiation as they find their way to their path of service.
Just as with other mountains, there are many aspects/levels of service which this mountain provides. As well as being a birthing portal, she is also a portal where many service animals birth through such as guide dogs and monkeys. Also, many of those animals who sacrifice themselves in the research labs, come through this portal in service to humanity.
The key attributes, then, are service, healing and teaching. These are manifested in the form of those souls who provide energetic healing, and channeling of messages from the masters.
As a crystal fire mountain, many animals who are code carriers are also birthed through this mountain. Butterflies, dolphins, and whales come to mind. The water beings leave this portal to then birth through portals in the oceans. These are also underwater mountains in some cases, but may also be marked by a swirling vortex of energy and water which reaches into the Inner Earth as beings may be birthed through these portals for both the inner and outer aspects of Earth. The portals are the bridges to one day bring both aspects together.
We would have you know this is not so far away as it may seem. The stories, which to many are myths or interesting fairy tales, are not so far from becoming your new reality. As the vision expands and the capacity of the heart for love and compassion is finally manifested in its true form, much of what were thought of as illusions will finally take their place of recognition in the outer 'physical' world. The Age of True Co-operation and Co-creation is at hand.
There are those who have held the essence of the energy since time began on this planet. Yes, there have been distortions along the way, but the essence of truth has never been lost. As the veils thin, truth of reality begins to reveal itself.
Ariana Solana copyright ©2004
The Crystal Nodes and Their Connection to the Earth
May 20, 2007
As our bodies are changing from being carbon based to silicone based, crystal nodes are being activated within our bodies. There are 44 nodes. These are divided into two groups of 22 each. One group of 22 is in the head, while the other group is in the body and limbs.
These nodes are actually being activated by the energies coming through the sun. The codes coming to us from the Central Sun are awakening the dormant DNA. This DNA is associated with our ability to function in the higher dimensional energies coming to the Earth at this time. Up to this time, this dormant DNA has been referred to as 'junk DNA'. From a third dimensional perspective it did not seem to have a purpose. As our souls make the choice for Light, our nodes are activated by the codes coming to us via the sun.

The downloading of these codes is documented in the pictures of the Blue Ray Series. In these pictures, you can see how the codes come into our sun and how our sun acts as a transformer to step down the energies so that we can handle them at a physical level.
The nodes, which create triangular patterns within the body and our heads, also have an energetic connection to various crystal mountains around the planet. People who are very Earth sensitive notice this connection during the times of higher volcanic, earthquake, and other extreme weather events.

There are four different types of crystal mountains. They are identified by color with each color representing a general purpose. The colors are pink, blue, white and gold. The pink and blue crystal mountains are birth portals. The white crystal mountains are associated with technology and assistance. Sometimes places where new advanced technology come forth will be located near a white crystal mountain. The white crystal mountains also have a direct connection with the Earth grids. Some of the UFOs around the white crystal mountains are working with the grids and deciding how best to assist the Earth at this time and when to let the Earth just do what she needs to do.
The gold crystal mountains aren't always mountains. They include places like the Great Pyramid in Egypt, the Bermuda Triangle and the Devil's Triangle near Japan. These locations carry the histories of our planet and in some cases the associated histories of some of our galactic neighbors.
I haven't identified all of the crystal mountains yet, but an example of a pink crystal mountain is Mt. Shasta, while neighboring Shastina is a white crystal mountain. Mt. Kilamonjaro is another example of a white crystal mountain. Mt. Fuji in Japan is a blue crystal mountain, while the Great Pyramid is a gold crystal mountain. Each of the nodes on our bodies is associated with a different crystal mountain. Depending upon the location, the node will always be of a certain color, but the mountain associated with that node will vary for each person.
As the nodes are being activated, some people may notice some aches and pains in certain areas. Those who are very energetically sensitive or who have clear Inner Vision may be able to see the nodes and be aware of the connecting lines of energy within the body. The pictures I've drawn show some areas as diamond shaped, but in reality, it's probably more appropriate to see these as triangles. Actually, on the body itself, if you think of the two nodes in the front on the chest going down to the heart and the two nodes near the top of the shoulder blades also going down to the heart, it is almost like an inverted pyramid. Then go from the heart to the end of 12th ribs in front and to the 12th ribs in back, you have an upright pyramid shape-more or less. You can continue this way all the way down to last point at the coccyx or tail bone.

This information is to assist to create more awareness of our connectedness to the Earth. What we do to ourselves affects the Earth and what we do to the Earth affects us. If you were to continue the energetic map of nodes beyond the physical body, you find connecting points in the etheric body which also connect to different planets depending upon your soul's different life experiences.
For now, you might want to meditate on different nodes to see what insight you receive about your Earthly connections. Perhaps you will gain some insight to other lifetimes or energies which can be of assistance to you at this time. If you have an insight or experience you'd like to share, please post it in the comments section.
Copyright ©Ariana Solana 2007
As our bodies are changing from being carbon based to silicone based, crystal nodes are being activated within our bodies. There are 44 nodes. These are divided into two groups of 22 each. One group of 22 is in the head, while the other group is in the body and limbs.
These nodes are actually being activated by the energies coming through the sun. The codes coming to us from the Central Sun are awakening the dormant DNA. This DNA is associated with our ability to function in the higher dimensional energies coming to the Earth at this time. Up to this time, this dormant DNA has been referred to as 'junk DNA'. From a third dimensional perspective it did not seem to have a purpose. As our souls make the choice for Light, our nodes are activated by the codes coming to us via the sun.
The downloading of these codes is documented in the pictures of the Blue Ray Series. In these pictures, you can see how the codes come into our sun and how our sun acts as a transformer to step down the energies so that we can handle them at a physical level.
The nodes, which create triangular patterns within the body and our heads, also have an energetic connection to various crystal mountains around the planet. People who are very Earth sensitive notice this connection during the times of higher volcanic, earthquake, and other extreme weather events.
There are four different types of crystal mountains. They are identified by color with each color representing a general purpose. The colors are pink, blue, white and gold. The pink and blue crystal mountains are birth portals. The white crystal mountains are associated with technology and assistance. Sometimes places where new advanced technology come forth will be located near a white crystal mountain. The white crystal mountains also have a direct connection with the Earth grids. Some of the UFOs around the white crystal mountains are working with the grids and deciding how best to assist the Earth at this time and when to let the Earth just do what she needs to do.
The gold crystal mountains aren't always mountains. They include places like the Great Pyramid in Egypt, the Bermuda Triangle and the Devil's Triangle near Japan. These locations carry the histories of our planet and in some cases the associated histories of some of our galactic neighbors.
I haven't identified all of the crystal mountains yet, but an example of a pink crystal mountain is Mt. Shasta, while neighboring Shastina is a white crystal mountain. Mt. Kilamonjaro is another example of a white crystal mountain. Mt. Fuji in Japan is a blue crystal mountain, while the Great Pyramid is a gold crystal mountain. Each of the nodes on our bodies is associated with a different crystal mountain. Depending upon the location, the node will always be of a certain color, but the mountain associated with that node will vary for each person.
As the nodes are being activated, some people may notice some aches and pains in certain areas. Those who are very energetically sensitive or who have clear Inner Vision may be able to see the nodes and be aware of the connecting lines of energy within the body. The pictures I've drawn show some areas as diamond shaped, but in reality, it's probably more appropriate to see these as triangles. Actually, on the body itself, if you think of the two nodes in the front on the chest going down to the heart and the two nodes near the top of the shoulder blades also going down to the heart, it is almost like an inverted pyramid. Then go from the heart to the end of 12th ribs in front and to the 12th ribs in back, you have an upright pyramid shape-more or less. You can continue this way all the way down to last point at the coccyx or tail bone.
This information is to assist to create more awareness of our connectedness to the Earth. What we do to ourselves affects the Earth and what we do to the Earth affects us. If you were to continue the energetic map of nodes beyond the physical body, you find connecting points in the etheric body which also connect to different planets depending upon your soul's different life experiences.
For now, you might want to meditate on different nodes to see what insight you receive about your Earthly connections. Perhaps you will gain some insight to other lifetimes or energies which can be of assistance to you at this time. If you have an insight or experience you'd like to share, please post it in the comments section.
Copyright ©Ariana Solana 2007
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