June 12, 2007
Shastina (left) and Mt. Shasta (right)
Shastina is the Mother of All Mountains in this hemisphere, just as Shasta is the Father of All Mountains in this hemisphere. She has waited long and sometimes impatiently for the restoration of the flow of the Divine Feminine upon the planet.
Those healers called to this area to heal and restore the Divine Feminine have heard my call. They all have come through the Shasta birthing portal before birth in preparation for this act of service for the planet.
All, or almost all, also have a strong connection to the feminine energy of Lemuria as evidenced in the call to so many to seek to reconnect to Lemuria. This is in response to the soul's desire to again be in harmony with the Divine feminine energy-the creation energy.
As the Earth receives the new codes of Light, this creation energy can again be manifest upon the Earth. People will remember and are remembering their true nature of conscious co-creators in harmony with the Divine Plan.
As a white crystal mountain, Shastina is also directly connected to the Masculine Dragon line which flows around the planet. There are new technologies to come forth through this portal. These are technologies which could not manifest in the denser third dimensional vibrations. Once we are fully anchored in the fifth dimensional energies, new (to us) ways of creating and interacting with other beings (trees, plants, rocks, minerals and even animals) will usher in a whole new Age of Cooperation and Beauty and Harmony. We are joyously awaiting this time.
Those who are receptive may begin now to receive more insights to assist this process. They will lay the groundwork for this new level of creative technology.
We leave you now with a promise. Our promise is to never again shut the doors of creation on this planet. When the time (vibration) is right, the portals will open to the Inner Earth as well as to the galaxy and universe beyond. There will be a select few who will have glimpses of the Inner Earth realm. Their role is to lay the foundation and to assist to lift the vibration of the Outer Earth to match the vibration of the Inner. Pure heart and pure intention are the keys for this to occur. By example, they become the Wayshowers for others.
Moving out of the third dimensional way of timekeeping is also a part of the process. The Inner Earth is a vibrational plane of existence. It is physical in its vibration, but it is not physical to the third dimensional vibration. As you release the third dimensional heaviness of distorted beliefs, you create an opportunity for your vibration to lift. The old rules won't work anymore. It is time now to be in harmony with the Universal Laws. The more in harmony with those laws, the higher the vibration-the more pure the ability to live and create in harmony.
Shastina is not the only major Lemurian Inner Earth portal connection, but she is currently the only one at a consistently high enough vibration for physical or almost physical interaction. She is the Mother of All Mountains in the Inner and Outer Earth.
An additional note: The day after I received this message, I was guided to add a few more stones to a small medicine wheel I had created. As I approached the wheel, a butterfly also came to the wheel and flew around inside the wheel as I placed the extra stones. When I was done, the butterfly came to me and landed on my shirt in partnership of the creation and blessing of the wheel. It was a blessing to receive the blessing of the butterfly. May you also be blessed in your conscious co-creations.
Copyright 2007 Ariana Solana
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